A New Method in Abstract Art

Check out the pictures, created by our readers using this method

Using this Method you can start creating masterpieces of Abstract Art in five minutes. No assistance from Genius is needed. The only prerequisite is Microsoft Word on your PC.

1. In the AutoShapes menu select Lines, than select Curve.
2. Move the mouse randomly, left-clicking occasionally, and you will get something like this:
3. Point the arrow towards any point on your curve and left-click. Keep the arrow in the same position and right-click. In the menu that will appear select “Format AutoShape”.
4. In the Format AutoShape menu choose Fill Color and Line Color. In the present example they both were chosen green. You will see something like this:


5. Now let us make the background. In the AutoShapes menu select Basic Shapes, than select Rectangle. Make a rectangle about the size of the figure. Than in the Format AutoShape menu choose the Fill Color for this rectangle. In the present example it was selected red. Now drag the green figure over the red rectangle.
6. Finally name it in French.
Le Rouge et le Vert

Check out the pictures, created by our readers using this method

Fellow Drippers
The video, which formulates a new approach to understanding Jackson Pollock

Bad Painting Contest

This method was developed by Mikhail Simkin